PicoSure is a picosecond laser that uses short pulses of light energy to treat skin concerns. It’s different from other lasers because it doesn’t use heat energy, which can damage the skin. Instead, the laser’s pulses create a shockwave effect that breaks down pigment particles and stimulates the skin’s natural repair processes. This can help with a range of skin concerns, including:
  • Anti-aging: Acne scars, dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines
  • Tattoo removal: Breaks down ink pigment into smaller particles that the body’s lymphatic system can remove
  • Skin rejuvenation: Treats pigmentation irregularities and sunspots 

PicoSure is considered a gentler treatment than other lasers, with minimal downtime and discomfort. Most patients can resume their normal activities after the procedure, though some redness and swelling may occur and typically goes away within a few hours. Aftercare recommendations may include avoiding direct sunlight and extreme heat, wearing SPF 30 or higher, and avoiding retinoids for 3 to 5 days. 

Reduces Wrinkles: The PicoSure laser revitalizes facial tissues, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and creases. Aging causes skin to lose its tone and texture. It becomes less elastic making it more prone to wrinkles and lines. PicoSure laser treatment works at a cellular level, stimulating the growth of new cells as old cells continue to fade away. The procedure improves the skin’s texture and rejuvenates the tissues.

Acne Treatment: The PicoSure laser treatment can be used in combination with oral medications and topical ointments to bring acne under control and reduce outbreaks. With the use of the PicoSure laser, scarring can be dramatically reduced as the treatment encourages new cell growth. Acne affects individuals of all age groups. The PicoSure laser treatment can be used for any age group and has fewer side effects than many other acne treatments.

Tattoo Removal: Tattoos are meant to be permanent. That can pose a problem if a person wants to remove it later. The PicoSure laser treatment is a valuable tool for those who want to have old and faded tattoos removed. The laser works by breaking down the inks/colors so that the body can further absorb them. After the laser treatment procedure, the area will begin the healing process. The laser can also be used to remove or minimize other skin discolorations as well.